Ich biete als Freelancer umfassende Leistungen in den Bereichen Grafik-, Webdesign und Illustration. Meine Spezialitäten sind Illustration und Frontend Web Design. Ich arbeite zur Zeit von Münster, NRW aus für Firmen und Agenturen deutschlandweit.
Zeichnungen in verschiedenen Stilarten, Figuren, Cartoons, Vektorgrafiken, Infografiken, Scribbles, Storyboards, Erklärgrafiken, Editorial Illustration
HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, SASS (+BOURBON), GIT, NODE, BOWER, WORDPRESS Responsive, modern, hohe Nutzerfreundlichkeit!
// english
As a freelancer, I offer comprehensive services in the fields of graphics, web design and illustration. My specialties are illustration and frontend web design. I am currently working from Münster, NRW for companies and agencies all over Germany.
Illustration: Drawings in various styles, figures, cartoons, vector graphics, infographics, scribbles, storyboards, explanatory graphics, editorial illustration
Web: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, SASS (+BOURBON), GIT, NODE, BOWER, WORDPRESS Responsive, modern, high usability!